I think it’s safe to say that most of us want to be the best versions of ourselves. It’s been documented that one of the top 5 regrets of the dying is - I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

You choose your state of being moment to moment and over time, this is who you become. Let’s say you want to be an easy-going person and while at the airport, you learn that your flight is delayed due to a mechanical issue with the plane. At this moment, you choose your reaction. You can select frustration or you can reframe your thinking to the airline cares about my safety and I’m grateful the potentially dangerous issue was caught. You selected gratitude over victimhood and this choice not only helped condition you to being more easy-going but it also likely changed the trajectory of your day - probably in a good way. The key is to select a reframe that’s believable. Find something that your mind can hook into and perceive as truth. Otherwise, there’s nothing concrete pulling you away from victimhood.

Consciously choosing to behave differently in certain situations can feel like you’re an actor playing a part. The discomfort is normal but as you spend time more in the unchartered territory becoming familiar with unfamiliar ways of being this new version of you eventually hardens into fact. You condition yourself to possess the qualities that you admire and before you know it, you are your hero.